Prípad Aminy Lawal
O osude tridsaťročnej matky z Nigérie, ktorej hrozí ukameňovanie za cudzoložstvo, rozhodne šaríjský odvolací súd 25.marca. Amina Lawal sa previnila tým, že počala dieťa mimo manželstva. Proti rozsudku z augusta minulého roku sa odvolala. Počas pojednávania nebolo dodržané jej právo na súdneho zástupcu. Šaríjské právo, ktoré sa uplatňuje v 12 štátoch severnej Nigérie trestá cudzoložstvo, teda aj mimomanželské tehotenstvo, smrťou ukameňovaním.
Ide o krutý, neľudský a ponižujúci trest. Amnesty International sa usiluje o Aminino oslobodenie. Pripojte sa k nám! Napíšte výzvu nigérijským federálnym úradom!
His Excellency Olusegun Obasanjo,
President of the Republic,
The Presidency,
Federal Secretariat,
Phase II, Shehu Shagari Way,
Ministrovi spravodlivosti:
His Excellency Kanu Godwin Agabi,
Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice,
New Federal Secretariat complex Shehu Shagari Way,
Federal Capital Territory,
Fax: 234 9 523 52 08.
Vzor listu:
Your Excellency,
I am deeply concerned about the pernicious effects on human beings and on their rights of the introduction of the new Shari’ah based Penal Codes in Northern Nigeria. These new codes establish the death penalty for crimes such as adultery and introduce cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments such as flogging and amputation.
All these punishments are in breach of international human rights instruments signed and ratified by your Government, for that reason, I kindly call on your Government to take all necessary measures to secure respect for the rule of law in every part of Nigeria which includes respect for the prohibition on torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment, such as the practice of corporal punishment. The Nigerian government should also make death penalty a thing of the past.
The government of Nigeria must also ensure that no-one is discriminated against before the law on grounds of his or her religion, sex or social status.
I also call on the Federal Government of the Republic of Nigeria to ensure that Amina Lawal, who was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery in Bakori, Katsina State, is not executed under any circumstance. Amina has also right to a fair trial, including the right of appeal.
Yours sincerely,